The author of courses using artificial intelligence helps to make lessons more interesting and understandable and saves time for teachers. The specialist creates technologies for teaching schoolchildren and students, works with advanc training, retraining, additional ucation programs. The AI ??technologies us by the course author help to: Personalize lessons depending on the knowlge and interests of the student . For example, in the Duolingo app, each student has their own foreign language learning program, and in Thinkster, they have personal math learning paths . Motivate the student. Artificial intelligence recognizes when a student has problems with a particular module and offers him additional material on the desir topic, a simplifi track or a repetition of a previously studi topic.
This technology is us in the Moscow Electronic Russia WhatsApp Number List School on the basis of the 01Mathematics project. Eliminate gaps in knowlge. If the intermiate test show that the student is poorly vers in one topic, lessons and tasks. Automatically check knowlge. The neural network can, on a par with the teacher, check tests, tasks, and even essays. Thus, the company "Antiplagiarism" has creat artificial intelligence, which in less than a minute reveals factual and semantic errors in an essay. In 2023, it is plann that the neural network will test the essays of Russian schoolchildren in the Russian language, literature, history and social science in a pilot mode. Evaluate the effectiveness of the ucational program.
AI helps plan lessons and control whether the class is moving effectively through the curriculum. For example, in the Moscow Electronic School, a computer helps teachers estimate how much time students will spend on assignments, tests, or practical exercises. And Roselectronics has develop a program bas on computer vision, which, through video cameras in the classroom, monitors the psychophysical state of the student and reports how it affects the learning of the lesson. Answer questions in plain language. Artificial intelligence allows the chatbot to conduct dialogues that are.